09 June, 2015

5 Home-made Ways to Remove Tan

By Amaleena

Hi Everyone,

With everyone struggling with tan removal...Here are 10 best homemade packs for tan removal. these are easily available in the household and are 100% natural.

1. Tomatoes

 I think this is by far the best tan removal method for oily skin. Cut a tomato into two halves and keep them in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Take a half tomato and rub over face applying the tomato juice evenly. Apply on arms, legs, even underarms. Many a times, I have tried out a tomato facial at home. Just smash a tomato and use it for massage. Your tan is bound to go. It also leaves your skin oil free. 

2. Turmeric

Known for skin lightening properties since ages. This can be used for all types of skin. Mix up with milk or curd and apply to your face. People with oily skin can mix it up with fullers earth or multani mitti and rose water and apply it. You can also mix it with sandalwood paste and apply on skin. Wash once it dries. Every alternate day use, will show quick results of tan removal.

3. Curd

Has natural bleaching properties. Lightens skin and moisturizes it. Can be applied by itself of mixed with turmeric or fullers earth. A very good remedy of tan removal for people with dry skin. Those with oily skin can also use but with care. I won't recommend this for oily pimple prone skin as it lead breakouts in my case. Never the less, it works wonders when applied to my arms and legs.  

4. Fuller's Earth (Multani mitti)

Is like a magical potion for oily skin. Absorbs oil quickly and makes skin feel fresh and soft. Also removes tan when used regularly. Mix it with rose water and apply on face. I always add a little bit of turmeric for greater tan removal. Dry skin people can use along with curd or milk. this prevents excess oil absorption. Fuller's earth is also used for body de-tanning and body polishing. Leaves your skin de-tanned and soft.

5. Potatoes

Not used too often but works quite well to remove tan and dark circles. Peel potato and wash. Cut into half and apply directly on face or smash it, making a paste and then applying it on skin. Leave it for 5 to 7 minutes, not more than that. wash off well. Potato is very easily available and can be applied on face. However, might lead to breakouts for pimple prone skin.

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