07 December, 2014

Chocolate Cake

By Amaleena

Hello friends,

Winter time is baking time :)
Today I am sharing an easy recipe of chocolate cake. It's one of my favourite and hope you like it too. This is a cake serving 4 people.

Maida - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup (powdered)
White oil - 1 cup (you can also use melted butter instead)
Eggs - 3
Vanilla essence - 3 tsp
Baking powder - 1 tsp
Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp

First, take a clean dry bowl and beat the eggs. I beat well for about 12 minutes with hand. Beat until it becomes frothy like this:
Add the vanilla essence.

In a separate bowl, mix the powdered sugar and oil and mix with a spoon.
In another bowl, sieve the baking powder, cocoa powder and flour (maida) together.
Now slowly, pour the sugar-oil mixture in the whisked eggs and mix lightly manually. Once mixed, fold in the flour mixture. Take a spatula and mix the flour by folding it continuously in the egg mixture. Once mixed completely, leave it aside. The mixture will look like this:

Now take a baking tray. As you can see I am placing the glass in the centre of my tray. I want a doughnut shaped cake.

Before placing the glass, brush oil into the inner surface of the tray and as I am using the glass as well, I had to brush it too. Then sprinkle some flour on the baking tray.
Now after placing the glass at the centre of the tray, I poured down my cake batter. I purposely left behind 2-3 tbsp batter for later use.
Let the batter stand for some minutes. This basically lets the bubbles rise up so that there is no bubble inside. You can see the inner walls of tray is whitish. This is due to the flour I sprinkled.

Now, preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for about 18 minutes.

The cake shall be done by this time. In order to check, I inserted a knife in the cake. If the knife come out clean, its done. Raw cake will leave some batter on the knife when inserted.
Give some standing time to the cake.
Once cooled slightly, I cut it horizontally into two layers. Spread the left over batter on the lower layer and covered it with the upper. Then spread the rest of the batter on top like icing.

Added some chopped almonds on top for garnishing.

Enjoy with ice cream :)
Though my ice cream melted :P

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