21 November, 2014

5 ingredients you did not include in your food

By Amaleena

There are many things which are healthy but we forget including in our daily diet. Here are 5 things you did not know, that must be included in your diet.

1. Chillies 
They lower blood pressure, improve heart health. Green chillies contain antoxidants that protect the body against damage and give natural immunity. They also slow down the ageing process.
While cooking add a few chillies to your dishes making them spice up. You can also add fresh chopped chillies to your sandwiches and salads.

2. Asparagus
Contains folic acid which triggers serotonin, thereby boosting your mood. Eating asparagus often leads to prevention of mood swings. It is high in Vitamin K and antitoxidant nutrients, including vitamin C. It helps protect the skin from sun damage and pollution
Add a few stems to your soup. It makes the soup healthy and tummy filling.

3. Flaxseed
It contains Omega 3 essential fatty acids i.e. the good cholesterol. The fiber content in flaxseed is also good for health.
You can add toasted seeds to salads, soups and sandwiches for a pleasant crunch. As it has a low smoking point,flaxseed oil is not recommended for cooking.

4. Olives
They are highly effective in reducing low density cholesterol. They also can improve brain health and reduce heart ailments.
Olive tapenade is an easy to make spread which can be used in sandwiches or as dips.
Chopped olives can be used in making pasta, sandwiches or salads.
Olive oil is super healthy for cooking

5. Lemons
Contains vitamin C and flavonoids, which boost the immune system. Also good for the skin.
Add a teaspoon on lemon juice to your green tea.
A glass of lukewarm water with juice of a lemon is said to reduce fat.

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