19 November, 2014

Lost 1 kg in a week without exercise

By Amaleena

One major concern which we all share at some point or the other is HOW TO LOST WEIGHT!
For the past 4 months my weight has been increasing at a steady rate. I gained about 8 kgs! I was depressed and whenever I went for dining out, I ate halfheartedly :(
I don't get time for going to the gym and morning walks are also difficult for me as I am a late riser.So after a lot of research I found a diet plan. 

But of course, diet plans, as we all know are quite difficult to follow for foodies like me. So I tweaked it a little and now after a week of the diet, I lost a kg without a single exercise. Yippee!
So I am going to share my diet plan with you and later on, one by one will share with you the low calorie recipes I invented while following this diet plan.

Early Morning - 1 glass lukewarm water with lemon juice of 1 lemon 
                             (you can skip this if you have a tendency of acidity, like me)
                           1 cup of black tea or black coffee  
                           2 biscuits (Marie biscuits or cream cracker)

Breakfast -  2 hard boiled eggs + 2 slices of brown bread 
                   2 scrambled eggs + 1 slice brown bread + 1 cup skimmed milk
                  1 plate brown bread upma / oatmeal upma
                  1 bowl muesli / oatmeal with skimmed milk + 1 scrambled egg
                      (I have lactose allergy so I take  yogurt instead of milk)

Mid Morning - 1 small bowl of fruit salad
                        1 banana/ 1/2 cup melon/ 20 grapes
                        1 medium sized apple 
                        Buttermilk or Lassi

Half and hour before Lunch - 1 cup of green tea without sugar

Lunch - 1 small bowl of rice steamed / 2 medium sized rotis / veg khichdi / oats khichdi
             1/2 cup vegetable (preferably boiled and sauteed in slight oil)
             100 gms chicken / 1 bowl raita / 1 bowl dal
Early evening -  1 Cucumber chopped / any salad
                            Juice of fruit made  at home 
                          (Packed fruit juices contain a lot of sugar, so STAY AWAY)

Evening - 1 bowl boiled chana / 1 bowl muri / 4 Cream cracker biscuits 

Dinner - 1 roti
              50 gms fish / 100 gms chicken
              1/2 bowl dal
              small bowl of raita

And remember, STAY AWAY from
sugary items and sweets
packaged or tinned food
red meat
fried stuff
and buffets :P

And if you still feel hungry in between, go for
boiled sprouts

Try to have your lunch within 2pm. The earlier the better.
Use the staircase rather than the lift.
Try walking rather than taking a rickshaw to the main road :)

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