05 November, 2014

Beauty tips: The 10 commandments

By Shrabasti

Hi Friends,

This is my first post. I am excited and nervous too. Hope you all like it. :)

Diet: As mother's say, drink a lot of water. Water flushed out toxic from your body. A proper diet goes a long way in making you beautiful. Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fatty fish) has anti inflammatory powers. You may be surprised to know that many foods have the power to protect us from harmful effects of the sun. natural food products, red and pink in colour like tomatoes, contain lycopene and carotenoids which provide protection against UV induced skin irritations. Dark chocolates, veges like broccoli, kale and cauliflower, herbs like parsley, basil, sage and rosemary, dark leafy greens like spinach and green and black tea act as sunscreen in food. 

Scrubbing: Should be done twice a week. It basically removes the dead skin which otherwise accumulates and clogs pores. The best natural scrubber in besan or chickpea flour.

Cleansing , toning and moisturizing: This must be religiously followed step by step everyday. Dry skin brings pre mature ageing. So never let your skin dry.

Pimples: The best pack for pimples is a paste by mixing 1 tbsp of sandalwood powder with 1/2 tbsp of turmeric. Also try to keep your face clean always.

Regular sun protection: Whether it's sunny or cloudy, sunscreen is a must. While going out in the sun don't forget the sunscreen, umbrella and sunglasses.

Make up: before make up apply an ice cube. It prevents sweating and keeps the makeup intact. Foe removal, cold milk is the best natural cleanser. Never leave your make up un-removed.

Dark circles: Apply coconut oil before going to bed. Do this for few days and see the magic. Apart from this cucumber juice and potato juice also has noticeable effects.
Homemade packs: Instead of buying cosmetic packs, try out ingredients from the kitchen. neem, aloe vera, banana, papaya, tomato, milk, curd, saffron, honey can be mixed according to skin types to make wonderful face packs.

Hair: Never comb wet hair. This causes tremendous hair fall. Animal protein biotin prevents greying of hair and controls hair fall.

Be healthy and happy: Cleanliness and sanity should always be maintained. Lead a happy and healthy lifestyle. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Your happiness at heart reflects beauty on your face.

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