17 November, 2014

Goyna Bori : A lost art of Bengal

By Amaleena

Hi Folks!

Today I am going to share a very unique yet dying art of Bengal. I don't think that all Bengali people even know about it.
Remember the small round sun dried lentil paste that you put in various bengali food...it's called 'bori'.
 Bori is made of lentil paste which is then sun dried. With the paste you can make bori's of various shapes and sizes. There is an art called goyna bori which draws its roots from Mednipur. Patterns of jewelry are drawn with the lentil paste on a layer of poppy seeds and dried in the sun. When completely dried, you can fry them and enjoy their crunchiness. These goyna bori patterns look absolutely stunning and were given earlier in tatta or gift trays during weddings.

What you do is, soak the lentil in water for a night (I used urad dal). Next day, drain the water and make a thick paste of the lentils.
Pour the paste in a tube (I did not have an icing tube so used a washed packet of milk. With a spoon I transfered the thick paste into the tube and tied it with a rubber band. At the mouth, I made a small hole of 1/2 a centimeter.) The tube looked like a mehendi tube.
 On a flat tray or plate lay down a layer of poppy seeds. On the layer, start drawing your pattern with the paste

Try it out for yourselves and you'll be surprised to see how easy it is.

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