25 November, 2014

Contemporary Bengal Cuisine:Bohemian - Review

By Amaleena

As the name sound, 'Bohemian' offers a range of off track delicious dishes. Chef Joy Banerjee successfully presents you with novel and unique tastes in every single dish. As the Chef himself says "the fundamental truth is really about great food and not necessarily about what the cuisine is". He has gone beyond the horizon, inventing new dishes, new styles with ingredients used commonly in Bengali cuisine. He calls it Contemporary Bengal cuisine which is absolutely great!

I went there with m whole gang and thoroughly enjoyed our weekend dinner.

Chili Pickle and Cheese Baked Crabs with Kolmi Greens
Price rs 319
Creamy, cheesy texture and perfect blend of spice makes this a wonderful starter.

Gondhoraj Sorbert
This one is very refreshing. The flavour itself has a cooling  effect.

Magic potion
fruity combination of pineapple, orange, mango strawberry and ginger ale
price rs 139/-
This was nice and refreshing. I generally love fruity flavours and liked this one too.

Kachalanka Mangsho
served with steamed rice and green salad
price 429
This was tasty. But I have had this before. So not really new for me.

Pan Braised Bhetki with Aam Aada Sauce
served with tossed vegetables and steamed rice
price 399
This was the best dish of the night.

Grilled Bhetki with Bengal Berry Sauce
served with tossed vegetables and steamed rice
price 399

Spicy Grilled Bhetki with Radhuni enriched curry sauce
served with wilted greens and steamed rice
price 399

Stir Fried Prawns with muddled Grapes and Chillies
served with wilted greens and steamed rice
price 399

Bacon wrapped Chicken supreme bundles with Aam Aada reduction
served with tossed vegetables and steamed rice
price 399

Royal Bengal Mutton with Bhuna sause
served with tossed vegetables and rolls
price rs 419/-

Great Food
Great ambiance
Good quantity
Tip: Please increase the number of seats. Let more people relish the taste.

Hats off to Chef Joy Banerjee for such a bold step !
I will give a 4 out of 5 stars to Bohemian :)

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